Intern Innovators: Ja’von Gill

Each summer, Mind Over Machines offers internships to stand-out candidates from throughout the Mid-Atlantic. This year, thanks to a uniquely Baltimore partnership between Baltimore City Schools, YouthWorks, Code in the Schools, Pass I.T. On, and Baltimore Tracks, we hosted our youngest-ever intern. And we’re here to tell you: The kids are way better than alright.…

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Intern Innovators: Claire Bailey

Each summer, Mind Over Machines offers paid internships to stand-out candidates from throughout the Mid-Atlantic. This year, our investment was richly rewarded. Three innovative young professionals brought us new perspectives, diligent work ethics, and a zest for learning. Each is a much-appreciated breath of fresh air in these insulated COVID times. We’ve so enjoyed getting to know them…

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Intern Innovators: Antoine Kadouno

Each summer, Mind Over Machines offers paid internships to stand-out candidates from throughout the Mid-Atlantic. This year, our investment was richly rewarded. Three innovative young professionals brought us new perspectives, diligent work ethics, and a zest for learning. Each is a much-appreciated breath of fresh air in these insulated COVID times. We’ve so enjoyed getting…

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