ROI Revealed: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Delivers $16.97 for Every Dollar Spent

In keynotes and sessions at Microsoft Ignite 2018, many stories of organizations that are leveraging Dynamics 365 to fundamentally transform the organization to meet the changing expectations of customers were shared. These success stories are compelling, however it begs the question: “what’s the true return on investment (ROI) for an average Dynamics 365 deployment?” Thanks to an independent analysis from Nucleus Research, we can reveal the answer:

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Take a New Approach to IT Cost Management

Too often, when CIOs attempt to focus on using IT to optimize business costs, stakeholders see it as a defensive move. You’ll hear the heads of other business units mutter, “IT can’t find enough money to cut in its own budget, so they’re coming after ours.”

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Strategic IT Partner Selection

Specialized know-how is a good thing; it’s what makes your company valuable. You focus on what you do best and deliver that superior service to your clients. But when you don’t have the in-house expertise you need, that’s when panic can set in, especially when you’re staring down the barrel of a high-stakes IT project.

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