Executive Sponsor
So, you’re the one driving this bus. We’ve got you.
We know you are disruption weary. You’ve been reading all the AI Economy headlines about the pandemic accelerating automation adoption worldwide. You know maintaining the status quo now means losing ground. So you are cautiously embarking upon an enterprise-wide automation initiative. But where do you even begin?
Here’s the good news: You don’t need to have all the right answers – just a few to get us started.
Mind Over Machines will architect the organic propagation of automation throughout your company while grooming it for self-sufficiency by developing and nurturing your homegrown Center of Excellence (CoE).
It needs to be on your strategic plan!
In a recent article in the Economist, 70% of CEOs report Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) as two of their highest priorities when thinking about meeting strategic objectives.
You have spoken with a Mind Over Machines Senior Advisor on the phone. He has a sense for your pain points and what you are hoping to accomplish. He’s advised you that enterprise-wide automation most often starts within a finance unit. You schedule an initial sit-down meeting (virtual or in-person).

* If you have ideas about which digital, repetitive, rule-based processes would make good candidates for your first round of automation, we will certainly take them. However, in most cases, it is the finance team that helps us construct this initial process inventory. With your permission, we will work directly with them to:
1. Document the processes
2. Build the business case
(qualitative and quantitative ROI) for automating each
3. Determine initial solutioning and cost
4. Plot roadmap of pilot and successive waves
of first automation round
In our first meeting, we will begin populating your company’s very own Automation Playbook. You may have invited your CFO and/or a finance team lead to join us.
As a team, we will discuss:

Once this collaborative planning is complete, we will return to you with a Statement of Work for review and approval. This first engagement is carefully orchestrated to impress because its successes will be used to evangelize automation throughout the rest of the enterprise.
Center of Excellence Creation & Evolution:
Your Role
The CoE is both a strategic and tactical body. It champions and implements automations across the enterprise. Over the course of your automation journey, its composition will transform from largely Mind Over Machines consultants to in-house, homegrown talent. Our proven mentoring program builds the skills and confidence of your business and IT staff until your CoE achieves self-sufficiency. We’re always here if you need us, but the end goal is independence.
The CoE has 5 responsibilities:
Click each item to learn more.

Your CoE Responsibilities
Executive Sponsor Responsibilities
You'll find these helpful...
From free webinars to strategic planning exercises, each one has been created or curated to guide you on your automation journey.
Test a Process [Free Calculator]
In just 5–10 minutes, easily identify processes in your organization that can be automated with the Automation Suitability Calculator. You will receive an immediate evaluation of where your process falls on the scale of automation readiness.
Tech Exec Rule 1: Unbusy Yourself [Article]
If you are a tech executive, we have tips to save your sanity and engage your team. A roadmap to stop being busy and start being productive.
The Proof Is in the Metrics [Infographic]
See the impressive real-life results of a human-centric automation engagement with a top healthcare system.
Workforce Ascension(SM) & Enhancement (WAE) [Framework]
WAE lifts the global workforce to fulfill human potential with a human-centered approach to automation. The WAE Framework includes a proprietary four-phase approach, a set of guiding principles, and a set of specific activities to guide organizations through their journey.
Discover Your Core Competency [Free Download]
What makes your organization (or even you as a person) valuable to others? This free exercise will help you answer that question to start improving business processes and maximize innovation.
5 Things NOT to Automate [Article]
“We’ll be able to automate all the things! The sky’s the limit, right?” Wrong. Your friendly neighborhood high-tech humanists are here to tell you: There is absolutely a limit. There are certain things you should never, ever automate. Here’s are the top 5!
Who Gets the Job? [Free Quiz]
The modern workforce is made up of in-house talent, freelancers, gig workers, and digital assistants. Find out the best fit to create a power team for your business!
The Rise of the Citizen Developer [Webinar]
People know the kinks in their workflows and the inefficiencies in their processes. Employees may not know how to write code, but if you give them intuitive, visual process-driven development tools, they will put them to work. That’s why the low-code/no-code revolution is catching on like wildfire. Watch this webinar to find out more.
What are you thinking now?
Temperature Check! How do you feel about implementing automation as an Executive Sponsor?