Engagement as a Productivity Indicator

The Richmond Fed invited us to take part in an industry round-table to present on technology trends impacting the economy. “When we call on Tom and [VP of Innovation & Strategy] Tim Kulp, we know we aren’t going to get program code and industry jargon,” says Vice President and Regional Executive Andy Bauer. “Mind Over Machines helps us understand the latest in technology and how it is being used to transform the way businesses operate as well as the opportunities and challenges of technological change for the workforce.”

Navigating the Power Shift with AI, Sales, and Customer Relationships

Over the years, sales has lost a lot of its control over the sales cycle, especially with the advent of internet, cloud, social, and mobile technologies — in both good and challenging ways. Now buyers are in far more control of their own “buying journey,” no longer hostage to a company’s sales processes. They are able to find pricing online. They can compare competitive products and services with ease. And they can see who else is using your product and read real-time reviews on sites like Gartner Peer Insights.

Augmented Humans Are the Future of the Workplace

Artificial intelligence capabilities are advancing so quickly that AI is now universally relevant to C-level executives across all industries. And that’s exactly who was in attendance Tuesday morning. “We knew Tim would be able to illuminate this hot-button topic for our partners by making it accessible and human-centric,” explains PSA Marketing Coordinator Lindsay Schneider.

ROI Revealed: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Delivers $16.97 for Every Dollar Spent

In keynotes and sessions at Microsoft Ignite 2018, many stories of organizations that are leveraging Dynamics 365 to fundamentally transform the organization to meet the changing expectations of customers were shared. These success stories are compelling, however it begs the question: “what’s the true return on investment (ROI) for an average Dynamics 365 deployment?” Thanks to an independent analysis from Nucleus Research, we can reveal the answer:

Strategic IT Partner Selection

Specialized know-how is a good thing; it’s what makes your company valuable. You focus on what you do best and deliver that superior service to your clients. But when you don’t have the in-house expertise you need, that’s when panic can set in, especially when you’re staring down the barrel of a high-stakes IT project.

Cloud Power to the People

3 minute read The tech world is abuzz with news coming out of Microsoft Ignite 2018: new tools to try, new features to eagerly anticipate, and of course, lots of to-do lists. Brad Anderson’s Why and how you simplify IT with Microsoft 365 caught our eye, but not for the reasons you might think. Sure,…

Mind Over Machines Names Business Strategist Steve Navarro VP of Sales & Marketing

Software Consultancy Bucks “Best-Kept Secret” Status  Mind Over Machines has a 30-year track record of helping businesses work smarter. The software and data consultancy maintains consistent growth through high visibility projects, yet it remains the “Mid-Atlantic’s best-kept secret.” When old friends Tom Loveland and Steve Navarro met for coffee, the vision for a higher profile began to…